Innovative Institute of Technology

Course Rating: (4.9)

Lead Generation

Course Start: 1st July 2024

৳ 10000

৳ 15000

Course Features

Topics of this course

  • Get Business Leads from zoominfo search
  • RocketReach (Personal Email Scraper + Social Media – from Linkedin)
  • to get business emails from domain & company search
  • tool to get bulk business email & verify email
  • database to get company information as per industry
  • ClearBit Tool to get business email searching by title or name of a company
  • Email Permutator & Contact+ Tool to get email combination + Verify
  • Email Verify By Zerobounce,,, hunter & neverbounce tools (Paid Tool will be provided for email bulk email verification)
  • Whois Finder (Company info, email and phone scrape from domain provider)
  • Directory Listing Sites to Get Business & Company Leads From Popular directories
  • ATOMIC LEAD EXTRACTOR Software for bulk email/phone number finder
  • WebContent Extractor Software: To Scrape any web data to excel (Premium version)
  • Yellow Pages Spider Tool To scrape data from directories to excel
  • Cute web email extractor Software To get email & phone from google search
  • Prospects Tools To Extract Facebook Group Members
  • Prospects Tools To Scrape Linkedin Page/Group Members
  • For Realtor & Real Estate List Building
  • Mailchimp Email Marketing, Email Template & Campaign
  • Klaviyo Email Marketing & Email Automation
  • Lead Generation & Email MArketing Tool
  • Super Email Validator Software for Bulk Email Verifying (Premium version)
  • Google Advanced Search, Bing, baidu, duckduckgo search engines to get leads
  • Linkedin Helper Tool Tools for Linkedin automation
  • Linkedin Sales Navigator & LeadGibbon tool to get business emails from linkedin
  • Linkedin advanced search & Tool to extract business leads to excel
  • Complete Lead Generation, Email & Phone Finding & Email sending tool
  • G Suite Business Email Account Open & Warm Up Emails
  • Bulk Email Sender Software (SMTP) for Bulk Email Sending Using SendBlaster Software
  • eCommerce company domain and owners list building
  • Complete Lead Generation, Email & Phone Finding & Email sending tool
  • How to find leads from Linkedin + Recruitment Greek Tool + Linkedin Search
  • Google Dorks, Google Advanced Search, Other Search Engines Bing, baidu, duckduckgo search engines to get leads
  • MailerLite Email Marketing & Email Automation Tool
  • Find email from website using or Email Hunter or or
  • CRM List building and CRM data entry
  • Weekly English Communication Development Class

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